Related topics: older adults · medicare · health

Generation gaps at work not just about age, study says

Businesses that look only at age to bridge generational gaps among workers risk losing knowledge to retirements, higher turnover and other productivity-clogging problems, new University of Illinois research has found.

Retirees in Mexico cut off, study says

Baby boomers retiring in Mexico may find it's cheaper to live there than in Canada or the U.S., however, a study suggests retirees are often isolated both from their families back home - and from the mainstream of Mexican ...

Retiree environmental volunteers less depressed

( -- Retirees volunteering on environmental projects could not only prompt you to get more exercise but also improve mental and physical health through old age, according to a new Cornell study.

The longevity revolution

The UN has said that population aging is "transforming the world." Now that a large portion of the world population is joining the ranks of the "baby boomers," the phenomenon is permeating many areas of life, including the ...

Job boom, but an economic bust

Baby boomers will need to play a critical role in filling a potentially significant labor shortage later this decade after the economy recovers from its downturn, according to new research by Northeastern University.

New finding may help baby boomers get buff

If you're an aging baby boomer hoping for a buffer physique, there's hope. A team of American scientists from Texas and Michigan have made a significant discovery about the cause of age-related muscle atrophy that could lead ...

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