And the award for the safest airline in 2013 goes to ...

At the beginning of each year an array of awards are given in numerous industries to the top performers of the prior year. In the arts, Cate Blanchett won a Golden Globe last week for her performance in Blue Jasmine, and ...

Traffic-management website for drones

A pioneering website designed to prevent collisions and crashes among the rapidly growing number of drone aircraft has been developed by the Wright State Research Institute (WSRI).

US eases rules on electronic devices on planes (Update 3)

Passengers on American airlines won't have to "turn off all electronic devices" anymore—they'll be able to read, work, play games, watch movies and listen to music from gate to gate under new guidelines from the Federal ...

US: Lithium batteries not necessarily unsafe

The use of lithium ion batteries to power aircraft systems isn't necessarily unsafe despite a battery fire in one Boeing 787 Dreamliner and smoke in another, but manufacturers need to build in reliable safeguards, the top ...

Virgin disaster is a reminder of deadly explosion

The loss of an experimental spaceship that broke up over the Mojave Desert, killing one pilot and seriously injuring another, has renewed criticism of the way the craft's designer and Virgin Galactic handled a deadly explosion ...

Gov't weighs permitting cellphone calls on planes (Update)

Rules against making cellphone calls during airline flights are "outdated," and it's time to change them, federal regulators said Thursday, drawing immediate howls of protest from flight attendants, airline officials and ...

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