US approves drone flights for insurer AIG

Insurance giant American International Group Wednesday announced that it had won US government approval to use drones to survey disaster areas, including territory that may be otherwise inaccessible.

Amazon says FAA drone approval already obsolete

The approval federal aviation officials gave last week to test a specific drone design outdoors is already outdated, the company's top policy executive said Tuesday in written testimony to a Senate subcommittee.

Amazon says US too late on drone rules

Online giant Amazon told Congress on Tuesday the US government is lagging in implementing rules for commercial drones, making it hard to make plans for its quick delivery system by air.

US allows Amazon to test drones

US aviation officials announced Thursday they will allow online giant Amazon to carry out testing for its drone program which could be used for quick deliveries.

Software could help reduce leading cause of air fatalities

Nicholas Kasdaglis, a Ph.D. student and research assistant in the Human-Centered Design Institute at Florida Institute of Technology, has been awarded use of cutting-edge design software that may allow him to better understand ...

Recycling aircraft more efficiently

The aviation industry is constantly evolving so that it can design lighter aircraft, reduce consumption and emissions and put in place more efficient recycling systems that allow the valuable materials used to build aircraft ...

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