Manufacturer: Drones should transmit identifier for security

The world's largest manufacturer of civilian drones is proposing that the craft continually transmit identification information to help government security agencies and law enforcement figure out which might belong to rogue ...

SpaceX ready to launch again after explosion

SpaceX says it has determined the cause of a launchpad explosion that destroyed a satellite in September and is ready to start launches again as early as Sunday.

Economics of forest biomass raise hurdles for rural development

The use of residual forest biomass for rural development faces significant economic hurdles that make it unlikely to be a source of jobs in the near future, according to an analysis by economists at Oregon State University.

Measuring an aviation system's safety performance

PhD candidate and Safety Manager at NATO's Airlift Management Programme, Ilias Panagopoulos, has collaborated with Professor Chris Atkin and Dr Ivan Sikora, senior academics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics ...

GoPro recalls new Karma drone

GoPro announced the recall of all Karma drones sold since sales launched last month.

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