Driverless car concept gains traction at CES

Automakers and technology firms are jumping on the bandwagon of the driverless car, which remains a concept as well as a platform for new technologies to improve safety on the road.

Ban 'killer robots,' rights group urges

Hollywood-style robots able to shoot people without permission from their human handlers are a real possibility and must be banned before governments start deploying them, campaigners warned Monday.

Smartphones to steer unmanned rotorcraft on the battlefield

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) awarded contracts to Lockheed Martin and Aurora Flight Sciences on Sept. 28 to develop robotic rotorcraft capable of supporting rapid autonomous aerial cargo delivery to the battlefield.

Students demo autonomous robotic systems

( -- Pop into Cornell's Autonomous Systems Lab in Rhodes Hall any given day, and a mechanical arthropod might be negotiating a steep ramp, or a Roomba-like rover could be cleaning up a cluttered room.

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