Precise assembly of engines

In the automotive industry, combustion engines are still assembled mostly manually. Researchers from Fraunhofer are developing procedures and methods to automate assembly processes to continuously improve the quality of the ...

Made easy with light

( -- Lightweight, sturdy, and non-corrosive: fiber-reinforced thermoplastics are an ideal material for making boats and cars, and for aerospace engineering. But up to now, processing the raw materials was considered ...

Pickling tape for local pre-treatment of aluminum

A new self-adhesive tape simplifies the process of pickling aluminum surfaces. It is safer than existing treatment methods involving pickling pastes, sprays or baths, because there is no rinsing stage and hence no need for ...

Penn State Advanced Vehicle Team unveils its new set of wheels

( -- A team of Penn State engineering students recently took delivery of a 2009 Saturn Vue that will be used in an advanced vehicle technology engineering contest sponsored by the Department of Energy and General ...

SUV popularity in China casts cloud

Chinese carmaker BYD gave pride of place to its new S7 SUV at the Shanghai auto show while another of its models, a fully-electric vehicle, languished in a corner with only a handful of visitors.

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