Google to show off smart home gadgets, wearables

Google is expected to reveal an Android update, smart home devices and other innovations at its two-day developer conference, beginning Wednesday in San Francisco.

Automating laboratory-on-a-chip to cut healthcare costs

A research team at the University of California, Riverside has created a computer programming language that will automate "laboratory-on-a-chip" technologies used in DNA sequencing, drug discovery, virus detection and other ...

Staying on task in the automated cockpit

Automation in the cockpit is traditionally believed to free pilots' attention from mundane flight tasks and allow them to focus on the big picture or prepare for any unexpected events during flight. However, a new study published ...

Why trapping somebody in space only takes a breeze

Imagine that you were in the middle of a module on the International Space Station. Floating in mid-air, far from handholds or any way to propel yourself. Is there any way to get out of that situation?

ATV-5 set to test new rendezvous sensors

ESA's space freighter ATV Georges LemaƮtre, set for launch this summer,will test new rendezvous sensors in space as it approaches the International Space Station.

Touchy-feely joystick heading to Space Station

Stowed inside ESA's next supply ship to the International Space Station will be one of the most advanced joysticks ever built, designed to test the remote control of robots on the ground from up in orbit.

World-first breakthrough for small unmanned aircraft

Queensland Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) researchers have made what's believed to be a world-first breakthrough for small Unmanned Aircraft (UA), developing an on board system that has enabled a UA to detect another aircraft ...

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