Deep learning predicts hematopoietic stem cell development

Autonomous driving, automatic speech recognition, and the game Go: Deep Learning is generating more and more public awareness. Scientists at the Helmholtz Zentrum München and their partners at ETH Zurich and the Technical ...

Computer software accurately predicts student test performance

Emotient, the leading provider of facial expression recognition data and analysis, and the University of California, San Diego announced publication of a joint study by two Emotient co-founders affiliated with UC San Diego, ...

New speech recognition model: Hidden Conditional Neural Fields

Toyohashi Tech researchers propose the Hidden Conditional Neural Fields (HCNF) model for continuous speech recognition. The model is a combination of the Hidden Conditional Random Fields (HCRF) and a Multi-Layer Perceptron ...

Speech recognition leaps forward

During Interspeech 2011, the 12th annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association being held in Florence, Italy, from Aug. 28 to 31, researchers from Microsoft Research will present work that dramatically ...

Research aims to improve speech recognition software

Anyone who has used an automated airline reservation system has experienced the promise - and the frustration - inherent in today's automatic speech recognition technology. When it works, the computer "understands" that you ...

Listen, watch, read -- computers search for meaning

( -- European researchers have created the first integrated semantic search platform that integrates text, video and audio. The system can 'watch' films, 'listen' to audio and 'read' text to find relevant responses ...

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