Nissan's 'Leaf' to challenge Toyota's Prius (Update)

Nissan's upcoming all-electric car could outsell hybrids like Toyota's Prius even though it can't drive more than about 100 miles (160 kilometers) without stopping to recharge, a senior executive said.

Mitsubishi rolls out zero-emission electric minicar

Japan's Mitsubishi Motors Corp. rolled out its first zero-emission electric minicar Friday, hoping to capture a slice of the fast-growing market for environmentally friendly vehicles.

Green car makers urged to go a step further

Four international bodies on Wednesday called on governments and car makers to halve global vehicle emissions by 2050 as the auto industry insisted it was serious about producing greener vehicles.

Three Japan automakers admit false emissions data

Japan's Suzuki Motor, Mazda and Yamaha have admitted using false emissions data for some vehicles, the transport ministry said Thursday, in the latest product quality scandal to hit the country's auto sector.

Making cars that are lightweight and crash-safe

Lightweight or crash-safe – must it always be a trade-off for auto makers? The answer is no. With a new lightweight construction technology, researchers are making it possible to do both. The result is less fuel consumption ...

SUV popularity in China casts cloud

Chinese carmaker BYD gave pride of place to its new S7 SUV at the Shanghai auto show while another of its models, a fully-electric vehicle, languished in a corner with only a handful of visitors.

2013 sees cleaner trucks and buses across EU

Under new European Union rules to combat pollution, trucks and buses rolling off assembly lines this year will produce significantly less harmful exhaust fumes.

EU push for car CO2 cuts faces industry, green flak

The European Commission pushed Wednesday for cuts in automobile carbon emissions but environmentalists said the plans did not go far enough while car makers warned that it would hurt the industry.

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