Q&A: How can different types of brains bolster startup success?

Associate Professor Carina Lomberg is on a quest to understand the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects of entrepreneurs and what shapes their journey. She has found that including neurodiverse individuals in teams ...

Studying the visual recognition abilities of rodents

The visual process that allows humans to recognize the gender or emotional state of another person is very sophisticated. Until recently, only primates were believed able to perform such complex operations as object recognition. ...

Accounting for sex differences in biomedical research

When it comes to health, a person's sex can play a role. More women in the U.S. have autoimmune diseases than men, for example, whereas boys are more likely to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder than girls. Yet biomedical ...

British media needs to change negative portrayals of autism

The paper, led by a researcher from City St George's, University of London, analyzed sentiments towards autism and autistic people in British newspapers from 2011 to 2020, as evaluated by autistic people.

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