Related topics: earth

VW to build autonomous cars with Silicon Valley firm

The world's largest carmaker Volkswagen said Thursday it would work with Silicon Valley firm Aurora to create self-driving cars, hoping to deploy fleets of autonomous taxis to city streets by 2021.

Hyundai, Aurora to release autonomous cars by 2021

Hyundai Motor Co. said Thursday it will begin selling its first self-driving vehicles by 2021 in partnership with U.S. based self-driving technology startup Aurora Innovation Inc.

Video: NASA's sounding rockets

The spectacle of a mammoth rocket 'breaking the surly bonds of Earth' takes our breath away. Equally amazing are the secrets revealed to us by science missions these rockets have launched – and NASA puts careful thought ...

Scientists reconstruct space history with ancient texts

Ice cores and ancient sediments can be gleaned for clues to weather and climate in the past. But astronomical phenomena—such as solar flares or auroras—at best leave only faint environmental traces lacking in specificity. ...

The scientific value of aurora photos by astronauts

Some of the most wonderful pictures taken by astronauts from space are of aurora dancing over our planet. Now the photos are more than just pretty pictures thanks to an ESA project that makes them scientifically usable.

Stargazing keeps tourism looking up

With urbanisation gaining pace and air pollution clouding the view in major cities, contemplating the stars in a pitch-black sky is fast becoming a rarity that tour operators are banking on as a new selling-point.

Sounding rocket launches to study auroras

A NASA Black Brant IX sounding rocket soars skyward into an aurora over Alaska following a 5:13 a.m. EST, Feb. 22, 2017 launch from the Poker Flat Research Range in Alaska. The rocket carried an Ionospheric Structuring: In ...

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