Casting light on social blame

( -- Mothers whose children suffer from emotional and behavioral disabilities say they shoulder a tremendous social burden of responsibility to remedy their kids’ problems, says Linda Blum, associate professor ...

Are you mentally well enough for college?

Last spring an 18-year-old college freshman who got straight A's in high school—but was now failing several courses—came to my office on the campus where I work as a psychologist.

Employers are encouraged to embrace neurodiversity

Unwavering focus, superior analytical ability and mathematical talent are just some of the untapped skills neurodivergent people can bring to workplaces, a University of Otago researcher has highlighted.

Do good lessons promote students' attention and behavior?

Students are better able to regulate themselves in lessons that they consider to be particularly well implemented. This is the conclusion drawn from a study by the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in ...

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