Nature: Electronic read-out of quantum bits

Quantum computers promise to reach computation speeds far beyond that of today's computers. As they would use quantum effects, however, they would also be susceptible to external interferences. Information flow into and out ...

New-generation sensor combines lasers and mechanics

( -- Swiss scientists have developed a rapid, precise opto-mechanical measurement system that can be embedded into a silicon chip. This new technology could revolutionize the domain of sensors and atomic force microscopy.

Flame virus a new age cyber spy tool

The Flame computer virus that smoldered undetected for years in Middle Eastern energy facilities confirmed fears that the world has entered a new age of cyber espionage and sabotage.

A magnetic approach to lattices

( -- JQI experimentalists under the direction of Ian Spielman are in the business of using lasers to create novel environments for neutral atoms. For instance, this research group previously enticed electrically ...

Electronic congestion in the microchips of the future

( -- Electrons within some materials can stick together like cars on a traffic jam. Swiss researchers studying promising materials for the future of electronics have been able to highlight this phenomenon

Proposed nuclear clock may keep time with the Universe

( -- A proposed new time-keeping system tied to the orbiting of a neutron around an atomic nucleus could have such unprecedented accuracy that it neither gains nor loses 1/20th of a second in 14 billion years ...

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