X-rays illuminate nitrogen's role in single-layer graphene

(Phys.org)—Researchers using x-rays to study a single-atom-thick layer of carbon, called graphene, have learned new information about its atomic bonding and electronic properties when the material is "doped" with nitrogen ...

James' bond: A graphene / nanotube hybrid

(Phys.org)—A seamless graphene/nanotube hybrid created at Rice University may be the best electrode interface material possible for many energy storage and electronics applications.

Every atom counts in graphene formation

(Phys.org)—Like tiny ships finding port in a storm, carbon atoms dock with the greater island of graphene in a predictable manner. But until recent research by scientists at Rice University, nobody had the tools to make ...

Bilayer graphene works as an insulator

A research team led by physicists at the University of California, Riverside has identified a property of "bilayer graphene" (BLG) that the researchers say is analogous to finding the Higgs boson in particle physics.

Closing in on a carbon-based solar cell

To make large sheets of carbon available for light collection, Indiana University Bloomington chemists have devised an unusual solution -- attach what amounts to a 3-D bramble patch to each side of the carbon sheet. Using ...

Impossible material made possible inside a graphene sandwich

Atoms bind together by sharing electrons. The way this happens depends on the atom types but also on conditions such as temperature and pressure. In two-dimensional (2D) materials, such as graphene, atoms join along a plane ...

Graphene can be used to detect COVID-19 quickly, accurately

Researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago have successfully used graphene—one of the strongest, thinnest known materials—to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus in laboratory experiments. The researchers say the discovery ...

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