Scientists propose alternative method for the study of ions

Scientists at the Department of Physics of the University of Oulu have teamed up with scientists in France, Russia and Japan to propose a new experimental method for researching positively charged ions. The study, In the ...

New atomic data portal

Even if you're one of the most precise physicists on the planet—as University of Delaware Professor Marianna Safronova is—you still will need collaborators whose skills complement your own and make new opportunities possible.

'Seeing' and 'manipulating' functions of living cells

A research group composed of Professor Takayuki Shibata and his colleagues at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology, has given greater functionalities to atomic force microscopy (AFM). Our ...

Spotted under the microscope: How a virus puts on its armor

Scientists from VU University Amsterdam, Scripps Research Institute and the University of Michigan discovered how a virus 'puts on its armor'. This 'armor', consisting of mere proteins, is initially flexible and weak, but ...

Researchers answer key question about electron states

Scientists are working hard to engineer the properties of nanostructures, such as atoms and molecules, to realize efficient logic devices that can operate at the fundamental scale of matter—the scale of atoms. To make ...

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