Related topics: energy

Post-Fukushima, Asia still drives global nuclear growth

Safety concerns in the wake of the Fukushima reactor disaster in Japan have done little to curb Asia's ambitious plans for expanding the role of nuclear power in the regional energy mix.

IAEA to advise Japan on Fukushima clean-up

Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency met Japanese officials Monday as part of a mission to assess clean-up efforts at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Graphene could yield cheaper optical chips

Graphene—which consists of atom-thick sheets of carbon atoms arranged hexagonally—is the new wonder material: Flexible, lightweight and incredibly conductive electrically, it's also the strongest material known to man.

Japan nuclear-free as last reactor switched off

Japan went nuclear-free on Monday as it switched off its last operating reactor for an inspection, with no date scheduled for a restart amid strong public hostility to atomic power.

Japan to be nuclear-free as last reactor switched off

Japan on Sunday began switching off its last operating nuclear reactor for an inspection, with no date scheduled for a restart amid strong public hostility towards atomic power.

Japan heads back to nuclear zero for reactor checkups

Workers will switch off one of Japan's two working reactors Monday, with the other set for shutdown later this month and no restarts in sight amid continued public hostility to nuclear power.

Chunky mobile devices? Soft graphene could help you downsize

Assuming you are geeky enough to open up any mobile device on the market – a phone, tablet or laptop – the most glaringly obvious component of the device is the battery: it generally consumes up to (if not more than) ...

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