How molecular footballs burst in an X-ray laser beam

An international research team has observed in real time how football molecules made of carbon atoms burst in the beam of an X-ray laser. The study shows the temporal course of the bursting process, which takes less than ...

The magic wavelength of cadmium

Researchers experimentally determined a property of cadmium called the magic wavelength which is considered essential for the development of the most accurate clocks ever envisaged. The researchers hope this may permit simple ...

Leiden physicists image lumpy superconductor

High-temperature superconductivity is one of the big mysteries in physics. Milan Allan's research group used a Josephson Scanning Tunneling Microscope to image spatial variations of superconducting particles for the first ...

How to freeze heat conduction

Physicists have discovered a new effect, which makes it possible to create excellent thermal insulators which conduct electricity. Such materials can be used to convert waste heat into electrical energy.

Researchers see signs of interactive form of quantum matter

JILA researchers have, for the first time, isolated groups of a few atoms and precisely measured their multi-particle interactions within an atomic clock. The advance will help scientists control interacting quantum matter, ...

A bridge to the quantum world

Monika Aidelsburger uses a special type of optical lattice to simulate quantum many-body phenomena that are otherwise inaccessible to experimental exploration. She has now been awarded an ERC Starting Grant to pursue this ...

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