Understanding the atomic density fluctuations in silica glass

In materials science, particularly in the study of glasses, the intermediate range order (IRO) is one of the most intriguing research areas owing to its significant influence over the physical properties of glasses.

Discovery of structural regularity hidden in silica glass

Glass—whether used to insulate our homes or as the screens in our computers and smartphones—is a fundamental material. Yet, despite its long usage throughout human history, the disordered structure of its atomic configuration ...

A new strategy to create 2-D magnetic order

Grain boundaries, which consist of periodic arrangement of structural units and are generally recognized as a two-dimensional "phase," can exhibit novel properties that do not exist in the intrinsic bulk crystal. The altered ...

Water, water everywhere—and it's weirder than you think

Researchers at The University of Tokyo have used computational methods and analysis of recent experimental data to demonstrate that water molecules take two distinct structures in the liquid state. The team investigated the ...

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