Regulating Earth's climate with micro-organisms

Scientists have sought to learn more about how the Earth's oceans absorb carbon dioxide and generally exchange gases with the atmosphere so they can better understand the corresponding effects on climate. To that end, many ...

Man-made aurora to help predict space weather

( -- For more than 25 years, our understanding of terrestrial space weather has been partly based on incorrect assumptions about how nitrogen, the most abundant gas in our atmosphere, reacts when it collides with ...

Early Earth haze likely provided ultraviolet shield for planet

A new study shows a thick organic haze that enshrouded early Earth several billion years ago may have been similar to the haze now hovering above Saturn's largest moon, Titan, and would have protected primordial life on the ...

Pollution from Asia Circles Globe at Stratospheric Heights

( -- The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists ...

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