Powerful hurricanes strengthen faster now than 30 years ago

Hurricanes that intensify rapidly—a characteristic of almost all powerful hurricanes—do so more strongly and quickly now than they did 30 years ago, according to a study published recently in Geophysical Research Letters, ...

'Zombie' storm Leslie smashes into Portugal

Violent storms hit Portugal early on Sunday, leaving hundreds of thousands of people without power before carrying heavy rain on into Spain, authorities said.

Forecasters say El Nino may be developing

(AP) -- A new El Nino could be approaching. Sea-surface temperatures have been warming in the tropical Pacific Ocean, suggesting the potential for the development of the El Nino climate phenomenon this summer, according ...

New type of El Nino could mean more hurricanes make landfall

El Niño years typically result in fewer hurricanes forming in the Atlantic Ocean. But a new study suggests that the form of El Niño may be changing potentially causing not only a greater number of hurricanes than in average ...

La Nina develops during peak hurricane season

A La Nina climate pattern has developed and is likely to persist through the winter, according to an advisory issued today by NOAA's Climate Prediction Center.

2010 hurricane season may be worst on record: officials

The 2010 Atlantic hurricane season may be one of the worst on record, US officials warned Thursday, amid fears it could deepen an oil crisis in the Gulf of Mexico and bring new misery to Haiti.

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