Driest place on Earth hosts life

Researchers have pinpointed the driest location on Earth in the Atacama Desert, a region in Chile already recognised as the most arid in the world. They have also found evidence of life at the site, a discovery that could ...

Rare images of red sprites captured at ESO

At the ESO's observatories located high in the Atacama Desert of Chile, amazing images of distant objects in the Universe are captured on a regular basis. But in January 2015, ESO photo ambassador Petr Horálek captured some ...

New window on the early Universe

Scientists at the Universities of Bonn and Cardiff see good times approaching for astrophysicists after hatching a new observational strategy to distill detailed information from galaxies at the edge of the Universe. Using ...

Binary stars are more common than we thought

High-mass stars are rarely solitary. This is what Bochum's astronomers found out at the Ruhr-Universität's (RUB's) observatory in Chile. For several years, they observed 800 celestial objects that are up to one hundred times ...

Submillimeter wavelengths shine through the intergalactic dust

(Phys.org) —Where do you go to look at the stars? Away from city lights, certainly. But if you're serious about peering far out into space, to the observable edges of our universe, at submillimeter wavelengths, you have ...

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