Related topics: stars

US military looks for new life for dead satellites

It's like doing robotic surgery in zero gravity: Imagine scavenging defunct communication satellites for their valuable parts and recycling them to build new ones for cheap.

Neon lights up exploding stars

(—An international team of nuclear astrophysicists has shed new light on the explosive stellar events known as novae.

Big Bang under the microscope

(—Scientists have replaced the telescope with the microscope: Using the similarities between the structure of a crystal and the state of the cosmos in the early universe, they have explored a yet unconfirmed phenomenon, ...

N. Korea satellite appears dead: scientist

A satellite launched with fanfare last week by a defiant North Korea appears to be dead as no signal can be detected, a US-based astrophysicist who monitors spaceflights said Monday.

Astronomers discover galaxies near cosmic dawn (Update)

(—A team of astronomers led by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has used NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to discover seven of the most primitive and distant galaxies ever seen.

Astronomers find 'homeless' planet wandering through space

(—A planet that is not orbiting a star, effectively making it homeless, has been discovered by a team of University of Montreal (UdeM) researchers working with European colleagues and data provided by the Canada-France-Hawaii ...

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