High-School Student Discovers Strange Astronomical Object

(PhysOrg.com) -- A West Virginia high-school student analyzing data from a giant radio telescope has discovered a new astronomical object -- a strange type of neutron star called a rotating radio transient.

Neptune on tiptoes

(PhysOrg.com) -- The formation and development of the solar system, long a topic of study for philosophers and scientists, is today often used as a case study for the formation and development of planetary systems around ...

Shining a new light on dark energy

The Dark Energy Survey has released a massive, public collection of astronomical data and calibrated images from six years of work. Containing data on nearly 700 million astronomical objects, this second data release in the ...

A microquasar makes a giant Manatee Nebula

(Phys.org)—A new view of a 20,000-year old supernova remnant demonstrates the upgraded imaging power of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) and provides more clues to the history ...

AI helps discover new space anomalies

The SNAD team, an international network of researchers including Matvey Kornilov, Associate Professor of the HSE University Faculty of Physics, has discovered 11 previously undetected space anomalies, seven of which are supernova ...

Earthly machine recreates star's sizzling-hot surface

Since we can't go to the stars yet, let's bring the stars to us. In a giant X-ray-producing facility, astronomers and plasma physicists have heated a cigar-sized sample of gas to over 17,000 degrees Fahrenheit in order to ...

A naked-eye comet invites itself to the March sky, 2013

It will appear in the West at sunset, from around the 8th to the 13th of March 2013, and will be visible to the naked eye up to the end of the month. Comet Pan-Starrs C/2011 L4 will traverse Cetus, Pisces, Pegasus and Andromeda. ...

Astronomers find a sun-like star orbiting a nearby black hole

In 1916, Karl Schwarzchild theorized the existence of black holes as a resolution to Einstein's field equations for his theory of general relativity. By the mid-20th century, astronomers began detecting black holes for the ...

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