Meteorite minerals hint at earth extinctions, climate change

A huge asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs may not have been the only cosmic event to cause mass extinctions or change Earth's climate. Tiny minerals leftover from many smaller meteorites could provide the geological evidence ...

New Mexican skies protected with Dark Sky Park designation

The 34,000-acre Chaco Culture National Historical Park is home to many ancient wonders including the remains of a civilization that thrived over 1,000 years ago. The park, which has been protecting its archaeological riches ...

A eulogy to Herschel

(—With its 2160 litres of liquid helium about to run out, the Herschel Space Observatory will, by the end of March, become just another piece of space junk.

Christmas sky show

(—Just when you thought Christmas was over: At the end of the day on Dec. 25th, a pair of holiday lights will pop out of the deepening twilight. Jupiter and the Moon are having a Christmas conjunction.

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