Temperature of lunar flashes measured for the first time

When small pieces of rock hit the moon's surface at incredibly high speeds, they produce flashes of light detectable from Earth. Now, astronomers have measured their temperature for the first time, using a telescope funded ...

NASA scientists see asteroid through the eyes of a robot

Retrieving an asteroid sample is no easy task. Doing the job blindfolded is even more challenging. That's why scientists equipped the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft with a set of eyes to watch it all unfold.

Asteroid mission will carry student X-ray experiment

At 7:05 pm (EDT), Thursday, Sept. 8, NASA plans to launch a spacecraft to a near-Earth asteroid named Bennu. Among that spacecraft's five instruments is a student experiment that will use X-rays to help determine Bennu's ...

Did ocean acidification cause marine mollusc extinction?

New research, led by the University of Southampton, has questioned the role played by ocean acidification, produced by the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs, in the extinction of ammonites and other planktonic calcifiers ...

Ten interesting facts about asteroids

At first glance, looking at a bunch of space rocks doesn't sound that exciting. Like, aren't they just a bunch of rubble? What use can they be in understanding the Solar System compared to looking at planets or moons?

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