Older people are happier in Brazil and South Africa

Contrary to belief, older people in South Africa and Brazil become happier as they age. New research suggests that, with the right policies in place, a developing country can significantly improve the wellbeing of its older ...

Ecology biased against non-native species?

The recent field of invasion biology faces a new challenge as 19 eminent ecologists issue a call to "end the bias against non-native species" in the journal Nature.

Why the immigrants come

The image of the impoverished immigrant, whether depicted being jammed with others in the trunk of a car or ducking through the underbrush to reach the border, has become a cultural meme. The endless influx of immigrants ...

An abundance of small stars

(PhysOrg.com) -- Stars form from giant clouds of gas and dust in space, as the matter in these clouds comes together under the influence of gravity.

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