Five things to consider before speed limiters are added to cars

The recent announcement that EU rules for fitting speed limiters to new cars from 2022 will be adopted by the UK was welcomed by many, including the European Transport Safety Council, as a move that will save lives. However, ...

Exoskeleton gets disabled people back on their feet

Thanks to an exoskeleton developed at EPFL, people with paraplegia can stand up, walk and even climb steps. The prototype will be put to use this coming Saturday at the 2016 Cybathlon, the sports competition for disabled ...

Refreshable Braille gets an engineer's touch

When Katherine (Katie) Cagen '14 was applying to Harvard, she made a new friend on campus who happened to be visually impaired. "I saw how much she relied on technology to be able to access her course materials," says Cagen. ...

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