Cities throw shade at rising heat

Rudy Lane is a two-lane road that curves through the leafy suburb of Windy Hills east of Louisville, Ky. Broadway is a main drag downtown where the federal and state courthouses bump up against the 1920s-era Brown Hotel.

Geneticists on cutting edge of effort to save ash trees

When Kim Steiner created an ash plantation on the edge of Penn State's University Park campus in 1978, few Americans thought about "climate change," no one had heard of the emerald ash borer, and the Yankees beat the Dodgers ...

New warning over spread of ash dieback

The ash dieback fungus could spread more quickly and affect more trees than previously expected, according to research at the University of Exeter.

Poor outlook for ash trees

The future for ash – the tree that gave us food, fuel and the Sweet Track, one of the oldest roads in the world – looks bleak, according to a new survey of its biology and ecology. The review by tree expert Dr Peter Thomas ...

Collaboration, research key to managing invasive species

Invasive species, such as the gypsy moth and emerald ash borer, have had devastating effects on Pennsylvania's forests, and the keys to combatting these threats are active management, collaboration and research, according ...

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