Researcher uncovers secrets of Kells 'angels'

( -- The Book of Kells and similarly illustrated manuscripts of seventh- and eighth-century England and Ireland are known for their entrancingly intricate artwork -- geometric designs so precise that in some places ...

Exploring tessellations beyond Escher

( -- By incorporating geometrical concepts into his artwork, M. C. Escher demonstrated the potential beauty that could be achieved by combining mathematics and art. One of Escher's most well-known types of art ...

New method could revolutionize dating of ancient treasures

Scientists today described development of a new method to determine the age of ancient mummies, old artwork, and other relics without causing damage to these treasures of global cultural heritage. Reporting at the 239th National ...

Interactive digital art show opens in London

The creative side of information technology went on display in London this week, in an arresting new interactive show including glowing reeds and a blinking mechanical eye.

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