New biological sensor detects hidden disease in potatoes

Despite advances in increased food production, half of all world's harvested food is lost due to rots caused by microorganisms. Plants emit various volatile organic compounds into their surrounding environment, which can ...

Christmas can be hazardous for pets: What to look out for

Christmas is a wonderful time to relax with family and friends, both two and four legged. But it can be a scary and dangerous time for pets. Food, presents, decorations and even visitors to our homes can all become hazards. ...

Tracking wastewater's path to wells, groundwater

We often "flush it and forget it" when it comes to waste from toilets and sinks. However, it's important to be able to track this wastewater to ensure it doesn't end up in unwanted places. A group of Canadian scientists has ...

How to monitor urine in pools—by testing sweetness

Even though Olympic swimmers have admitted doing it, peeing in the pool is not a condoned practice. Urine contributes to the formation of compounds in pool water that can be harmful to people's health. Now scientists are ...

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