Italian engineer invents floating solar panels

Rays of the winter sun bounce off gleaming mirrors on the tiny lake of Colignola in Italy, where engineers have built a cost-effective prototype for floating, rotating solar panels.

Large dams can affect local climates, says new study

( -- Large dams could have the potential to significantly alter local rainfall in some regions, according to a team of researchers including Roger Pielke Sr., of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental ...

New method achieves 4D imaging of fluids in pores

A method based on CT (computed tomography)—a type of imaging that is widely used in hospitals—can help improve our understanding of CO2 storage, batteries, and processes in the body such as nutrient uptake.

Utilizing active microparticles for artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence using neural networks performs calculations digitally with the help of microelectronic chips. Physicists at Leipzig University have now created a type of neural network that works not with electricity ...