The pull of artificial gravity

( -- Although President Obama's vision for NASA's future calls for canceling the Constellation program that was intended to send humans to the moon by 2020, his proposed budget for the agency still holds opportunities ...

Artificial 'muscles' may pump up touch-screen typing

Any high schooler sneaking a text message in class can confirm that fingering the right buttons on a cell phone is a cinch, even if it's hidden in your pocket. But how about on a glass touch screen?

Robot Learns to Smile and Frown (w/ Video)

( -- A hyper-realistic Einstein robot at the University of California, San Diego has learned to smile and make facial expressions through a process of self-guided learning. The UC San Diego researchers used machine ...

Jellyfish Robot Swims Like its Biological Counterpart

( -- "Jellyfish are one of the most awesome marine animals, doing a spectacular and psychedelic dance in water," explain engineers Sung-Weon Yeom and Il-Kwon Oh from Chonnam National University in the Republic ...

Carbon Nanotube Artificial Muscles for Extreme Temperatures

( -- Researchers at the UT Dallas Alan G. MacDiarmid NanoTech Institute have demonstrated a fundamentally new type of artificial muscle, which can operate at extreme temperatures where no other artificial muscle ...

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