'Artificial leaf' moves closer to reality

An important step toward realizing the dream of an inexpensive and simple "artificial leaf," a device to harness solar energy by splitting water molecules, has been accomplished by two separate teams of researchers at MIT. ...

Increasing efficiency in artificial photosynthesis

Chemical engineers at EPFL have developed a new approach to artificial photosynthesis, a method for harvesting solar energy that produces hydrogen as a clean fuel from water.

Fine-tuning photosynthesis

A new analysis by MIT researchers could make it possible to design more efficient artificial systems that mimic the way plants harvest the energy of sunlight through photosynthesis.

Developments in nanobiotechnology point to medical applications

Two new groundbreaking scientific papers by researchers at UC Santa Barbara demonstrate the synthesis of nanosize biological particles with the potential to fight cancer and other illnesses. The studies introduce new approaches ...

The key to lowering carbon dioxide emissions is made of metal

Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are rising and our planet is heating up. What do we do? What if we used this excess CO2 as a raw material to produce things we need—similar to how plants use it to produce oxygen.

DNA constructs antenna for solar energy

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have found an effective solution for collecting sunlight for artificial photosynthesis. By combining self-assembling DNA molecules with simple dye molecules, the researchers ...

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