Scientists measure impact of artificial light on sea turtles

Research carried out by The University of Western Australia, the Australian Institute of Marine Science and the Department of Parks and Wildlife has found new evidence that there is an impact from artificial light on the ...

City moths avoid the light

The globally increasing light pollution has negative effects on organisms and entire ecosystems. The consequences are especially hard on nocturnal insects, since their attraction to artificial light sources generally ends ...

Artificial light found to negatively impact wallabies

(—A team of researchers from Australia and Germany has found that at least one species of mammal is negatively impacted by artificial lighting. In their paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the ...

Light pollution shown to affect plant growth and food webs

Artificial night time light from sources such as street lamps affects the growth and flowering of plants and even the number of insects that depend on those plants for food, a study published today confirms.

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