How artificial intelligence is reimagining work

Paul Daugherty, chief technology and innovation officer at Accenture, sees three myths surrounding artificial intelligence: Robots are coming for us, machines will take our jobs, and current approaches to business processes ...

Deep learning comes full circle

For years, the people developing artificial intelligence drew inspiration from what was known about the human brain, and it has enjoyed a lot of success as a result. Now, AI is starting to return the favor.

Calling for better police body cam design

Challenges reported by both police and the public surrounding usability issues with the vast array of body cams and recording functionality prompted a study by human factors/ergonomics (HF/E) researchers from Wichita State ...

Training computers to recognize dynamic events

A person watching videos that show things opening—a door, a book, curtains, a blooming flower, a yawning dog—easily understands the same type of action is depicted in each clip.

Scientists help robots understand humans with board game idea

Information scientists at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the University of Michigan have borrowed from the popular game "20 Questions," to make an important step towards helping robots maintain continuous and purposeful ...

Artificial intelligence is the weapon of the next Cold War

It is easy to confuse the current geopolitical situation with that of the 1980s. The United States and Russia each accuse the other of interfering in domestic affairs. Russia has annexed territory over U.S. objections, raising ...

Being Bing: Microsoft's overlooked AI tool

Microsoft's Bing search engine has long been a punch line in the tech industry, an also-ran that never came close to challenging Google's dominant position.

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