Austria-born panda Fu Hu heads to China

Equipped with a generous supply of bamboo for the long trip, Austrian-born panda Fu Hu was on his way to China on Wednesday, as stipulated under Vienna zoo's contract with Beijing, the zoo said.

Vienna panda Fu Hu prepares for China with flight training

Lured into a crate, locked in, then shaken about, Fu Hu, the young star of Vienna's Schoenbrunn Zoo, munches on bamboo, unperturbed, as he undergoes the panda version of flight training before setting off to join his peers ...

Overcoming crocodile breeding hazards with AI

The world's first artificial insemination of crocodiles is one step closer thanks to a novel project between The University of Queensland (UQ) and a central Queensland farmer.

Hopes of saving rare tortoise die with 'Lonesome George'

The death of Lonesome George came as a shock to the caretakers who had come to know the 100-year-old giant tortoise, the last survivor of a subspecies decimated by pirates more than a century ago.

Vatican board asked to resign over conference

(AP) -- Members of the Vatican's bioethics advisory panel have called for its board to resign after scientists who don't support core church teaching on issues like birth control and infertility were featured at its annual ...

Mating tests begin on Edinburgh's giant pandas

Edinburgh Zoo on Monday started daily tests to pinpoint the best time for its pair of giant pandas, given to Scotland by China, to try to produce a cub.

US zoo receives $4.5 mn panda donation

The National Zoo in Washington announced Monday it had received a $4.5 million donation from a rich US benefactor which will fund a five-year study into preservation of the giant panda.

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