Airbus shows off a see-thru concept plane (w/ video)

( -- Airbus has begun to show off its version of the plane of the future. It is somewhere between cool and disturbing, depending on who you ask, but it definitely represents some interesting new technology that ...

Utah rock art provides glimpse of Hawaiian life

Halfway up Salt Mountain in Utah, petroglyphs on a limestone rock bear witness to an obscure twist of history: a Hawaiian Mormon settlement that flourished briefly more than a century ago.

Capturing the fugitive... in art

( -- What do Winslow Homer's For to Be a Farmer's Boy (1887) and Vincent van Gogh's The Bedroom (1889) have in common?

Professor's algorithms unlock Van Gogh mysteries

( -- A Cornell electrical engineering professor is helping art historians do a little detective work by using computing algorithms to identify which of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings came from the same original ...

Hands on high-tech moviemaking (w/ Video)

"Lights, camera, action!" is more than the quintessential phrase that describes the moment filming begins on a movie set -- it also embodies the heart and soul of moviemaking.

Scientists stumble on ancient Timor rock art

Scientists hunting for fossils of giant rats in East Timor stumbled on unique rock carvings up to 12,000 years old, Australia's research agency said.

World's oldest axe found in Australia

Archaeologists revealed they have found a piece of a stone axe dated as 35,500 years old on sacred Aboriginal land in Australia, the oldest object of its type ever found.

Australia's earliest contact rock art discovered

( -- Researchers have discovered evidence of Southeast Asian sailing vessels visiting Australia in the mid-1600s -- the oldest contact rock art in Australia.

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