The art of balding: A brief history of hairless men

Balding is really common, affecting more than 50% of men. It's also physically inconsequential (bald men live just as long as haired men). So why, in his memoir Spare, does Prince Harry refer to his brother's baldness as ...

Neanderthals: The oldest art in the world wasn't made by humans

One of the most hotly debated questions in the history of Neanderthal research has been whether they created art. In the past few years, the consensus has become that they did, sometimes. But, like their relations at either ...

Pickleball's uphill climb to mainstream success

Most newer sports are hybrids of older ones, and pickleball is no exception. The progeny of tennis, badminton and pingpong, pickleball is played by singles or doubles teams who hit a ball back and forth over a 3-foot-high ...

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