Video games enter realm of art at Smithsonian

Video games have come a long way since the first simple adventures of Mario and Pac-Man and now enter the realm of art in a major exhibition at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington that celebrates gaming's rich ...

Review: A stellar finish to 'Mass Effect' trilogy

(AP) -- Science fiction fans love their galactic empires. From the novels of Isaac Asimov and Frank Herbert to the multimedia epics created by George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry, the planet-hopping space opera has enthralled ...

Ancient rock art found in Brazil

Researchers have discovered an extremely old anthropomorphic figure engraved in rock in Brazil, according to a report published Feb. 22 in the open access journal PLoS ONE.

Artguardian: Watchman for artworks

A publicly displayed object of art experiences a lot: Dazzling light, unfavorable temperatures or too much moisture. With 'Artguardian' Fraunhofer researchers have developed a fully automated, intelligent monitoring system ...

Oscars to introduce electronic voting

Oscars organizers said Wednesday they would introduce electronic voting to select Hollywood's top films and stars from next year, in the latest reform of the elite awards show system.

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