Not only in Hollywood: Gender pay gap persists in the arts

Oscar-winning Actress Jennifer Lawrence made headlines last year after penning an essay about the gender wage gap in Hollywood. Actress Robin Wright, star of the hit TV show "House of Cards" recently spoke out about demanding ...

How an animation studio uses 3D printing

The features of 3D printing are significant for the movie industry. The US animation studio LAIKA, relies on using the cutting edge software and 3D printing hardware to make its films. A new collaboration with Fraunhofer ...

Cave art trove found in Spain 1,000 feet underground

Spanish archaeologists say they have discovered an exceptional set of Paleolithic-era cave drawings that could rank among the best in a country that already boasts some of the world's most important cave art.

In the war against dust, a new tool inspired by geckos

Micrometric and sub-micrometric contaminant particles—what most of us call "dust"—can cause big problems for art conservators, the electronics industry, aerospace engineers, and others. These nanoparticles can prevent ...

Students as teachers effective in STEM subjects

In the traditional college learning structure, students enter the classroom and place their focus on the classroom instructor. But researchers in Syracuse University's College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) biology department ...

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