Miniature rock art expands horizons

Australian archaeologists have discovered some of the most detailed examples of rare, small-scale rock art in the form of miniature stencils in a rockshelter traditionally owned by the Marra people.

How cities have blunted the subversive force of counterculture

An unprecedented study by EPFL researchers spanning three cities—Geneva, Lisbon and Ljubljana—has revealed how, over the past 40 years, urban cultural policy has blunted the subversive force of counterculture. The change ...

World's oldest artwork uncovered in Indonesian cave: study

An Indonesian cave painting that depicts a prehistoric hunting scene could be the world's oldest figurative artwork dating back nearly 44,000 years, a discovery that points to an advanced artistic culture, according to new ...

Chromosome structure inspires intricate works of art

A collaboration between a Virginia Tech entomology professor, art professor, and computer science professor working in biophysics has resulted in the creation of stunning works of art that can help researchers and the public ...

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