Making the biofuels process safer for microbes

A team of investigators at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Michigan State University have created a process for making the work environment less toxic—literally—for the organisms that do the heavy lifting in the ...

Aromatic couple makes new chemical bonds

Esters have been identified to act as a new and clean coupling partner for the carbon-carbon bond forming cross-coupling reaction to make useful compounds for pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and organic materials.

Image: Smoke from Canadian wildfires drifts down to US

Canada has already had its share of wildfires this season, and the smoke from these wildfires is slowly drifting south over the United States' Midwest. The drifting smoke can be seen in this Terra satellite image over Lake ...

New boron compounds for organic light-emitting diodes

Major advances in the field of organic electronics are currently revolutionising previously silicon-dominated semiconductor technology. Customised organic molecules enable the production of lightweight, mechanically flexible ...

New inorganic aromatic ion

(—Aromatic molecules are a staple of organic chemistry. Aromatics, like benzene, have a unique pi-electron character that makes the ring structure exceptionally stable. While aromatics are typically reserved for ...

Unsafe levels of toxic pollutants in heavily fracked Ohio county

Emissions from fracking operations may be exposing people to some toxic pollutants at levels higher than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considers safe for long-term exposure, according to scientists from Oregon ...

Fracking may affect air quality and human health

People living or working near active natural gas wells may be exposed to certain pollutants at higher levels than the Environmental Protection Agency considers safe for lifetime exposure, according to scientists from Oregon ...

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