Review: Samsung tablet takes aim at iPad with pen

The tablet-computer market is like guerrilla warfare. One huge army — Apple — dominates the land, while a ragtag group of insurgents keeps raiding and probing, hoping to find some opening it can exploit.

Pentagon successfully tests hypersonic flying bomb

The Pentagon on Thursday held a successful test flight of a flying bomb that travels faster than the speed of sound and will give military planners the ability to strike targets anywhere in the world in less than a hour.

Mental time-travel in birds

( -- Certain types of birds may track army ant swarms using sophisticated memory and the ability to plan for the future.

US Army purchases robotic scouts (w/ video)

( -- By being the first to scout out an unknown building or peek over a wall, a small dumbbell-shaped robot will be taking over some of the riskiest tasks in the US Army. The robot’s maker, ReconRobotics, ...

Virus uses 'Swiss Army knife' protein to cause infection

In an advance in understanding Mother Nature's copy machines, motors, assembly lines and other biological nano-machines, scientists are describing how a multipurpose protein on the tail of a virus bores into bacteria like ...

China's army develops 'online war game'

After setting up its own cyber-warfare team, China's military has now developed its first online war game aimed at improving combat skills and battle awareness, state press said Wednesday.

Deep history of coconuts decoded

The coconut (the fruit of the palm Cocos nucifera) is the Swiss Army knife of the plant kingdom; in one neat package it provides a high-calorie food, potable water, fiber that can be spun into rope, and a hard shell that ...

Some birds listen, instead of look, for mates

Looks can be deceiving, but certain bird species have figured out that a voice can tell them most of what they need to know to find the right mate.

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