Los Angeles River banks to be raised for El Nino

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will begin work next week to temporarily raise the banks along nearly three miles of the Los Angeles River to improve flood protection during El Nino storms, officials announced Friday, just ...

Vietnam probes mysterious 'space balls' (Update)

Vietnam's military is investigating the appearance of three mysterious metal balls—believed to be debris from space—which landed in the country's remote north, a senior army official said Friday.

Battle over proposed Yellowstone River dam ramps up

An escalating legal fight over a $59 million federal dam project on Montana's lower Yellowstone River could decide the fate of an endangered, dinosaur-like fish population that has been blocked from its spawning grounds for ...

A pocket-sized medical lab being tested at the CHUV

The device – a sort of Swiss army knife of medical tests – was created by Qloudlab, a start-up based at EPFL, and is currently undergoing certification at the CHUV hospital. This miniature laboratory is a quick, easy ...

US Army website hacked: officials

The US Army's official website was hacked Monday with messages denouncing Washington's training of rebel fighters inside Syria, but no data was stolen, officials said.

Special ops troops using flawed intel software

Special operations troops heading to war zones are asking for commercial intelligence analysis software they say will help their missions. But their requests are languishing, and they are being ordered to use a flawed, in-house ...

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