Salt water creeps toward New Orleans up Mississippi River

Drought upriver has left the Mississippi River so low and slow that salt water is creeping farther than usual along the bottom toward New Orleans and threatening drinking water, the Army Corps of Engineers said Wednesday.

Battle over proposed Yellowstone River dam ramps up

An escalating legal fight over a $59 million federal dam project on Montana's lower Yellowstone River could decide the fate of an endangered, dinosaur-like fish population that has been blocked from its spawning grounds for ...

Q&A: 'Interstellar' filmmaker Nolan on his robots

In his secrecy-shrouded sci-fi extravaganza "Interstellar," filmmaker Christopher Nolan isn't just taking audiences to outer space. He's also sending a couple of robots along for the rideā€”and they're just not on board to ...

California wildfire victims say cleanup crews add to woes

One year after a devastating series of wildfires ripped through Northern California wine country, destroying thousands of homes, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' first experience cleaning up after a wildfire has turned into ...

Charleston weighs wall as seas rise and storms strengthen

Vickie Hicks, who weaves intricate sweetgrass baskets in Charleston, South Carolina's historic city market, remembers climbing onto the table at her grandmother's booth downtown when the floodwaters rushed by.

Solid state Swiss Army Knife can save digital lives

Victorinox has pulled from its technology pocket a version of its vaunted Swiss Army knife equipped with a solid state drive capable of holding all of the digital data in a person's life.

'Iran Cyber Army' hits Azerbaijan state TV site

Hackers calling themselves the 'Iranian Cyber Army' have attacked the website of mainly Muslim neighbour Azerbaijan's state television station, the communications ministry said on Thursday.

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