Metal foam obliterates bullets – and that's just the beginning

Composite metal foams (CMFs) are tough enough to turn an armor-piercing bullet into dust on impact. Given that these foams are also lighter than metal plating, the material has obvious implications for creating new types ...

Ordinary T-shirts could become body armor

( -- A simple cotton T-shirt may one day be converted into tougher, more comfortable body armor for soldiers or police officers.

Engineers develop recipe to dramatically strengthen body armor

According to ancient lore, Genghis Khan instructed his horsemen to wear silk vests underneath their armor to better protect themselves against an onslaught of arrows during battle. Since the time of Khan, body armor has significantly ...

Lobster's underbelly is as tough as industrial rubber

Flip a lobster on its back, and you'll see that the underside of its tail is split in segments connected by a translucent membrane that appears rather vulnerable when compared with the armor-like carapace that shields the ...

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