Image: Gulf of Kutch, India

The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over the Gulf of Kutch—also known as the Gulf of Kachchh—an inlet of the Arabian Sea, along the west coast of India.

Bioengineered soil microbes may help prevent desertification

By tweaking the genes of microbes in the soil, it may be possible to make arid ecosystems more resilient to climate change and overgrazing, according to a new study. The research is in early stages, and currently consists ...

Changes in land evaporation shape the climate

Accurate estimation of how much water is evaporated from the vegetated land surface is a challenging task. A physical-based method—such as the complementary relationship (CR) of evaporation, which explicitly accounts for ...

Scientists model Mars climate to understand habitability

A Southwest Research Institute scientist modeled the atmosphere of Mars to help determine that salty pockets of water present on the Red Planet are likely not habitable by life as we know it on Earth. A team that also included ...

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