Growing rural-urban divide exists only among white Americans

Over the past 30 years, the American political landscape has been characterized by a growing divide between rural and urban voters, almost as if they're on two opposing teams, according to Suzanne Mettler, the John L. Senior ...

Points system makes neighborhoods nicer to live in

A lot of municipalities work with a points system to encourage construction projects to take biodiversity and creating green areas into account. But this way of working also benefits local neighborhoods and residents, master's ...

Social repercussions on places declared World Heritage Sites

A researcher from the Economic and Business Sciences Faculty of the University of Seville, together with a group of teachers from Malaysia, has published a study of the factors that influence the perception of tourism of ...

Why is Ghana so hot this year? An expert explains

Ghana's meteorological agency and the state's health service have issued warnings about a period of very high temperatures expected in the first half of 2024 around the country. Ghana's experience is part of a global phenomenon: ...

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