Orange goo on Alaska shore was fungal spores

(AP) -- An orange-colored goo that streaked the shore of a remote Alaska village turned out to be fungal spores, not millions of microscopic eggs as indicated by preliminary analysis, scientists said Thursday.

High Arctic species on thin ice

A new assessment of the Arctic's biodiversity reports a 26 per cent decline in species populations in the high Arctic.

Study targets biodiversity conservation under-funders

If you take into consideration how much a country is expected to spend on conserving biodiversity, based on its size, wealth and share of biodiversity, a new study uncovers some surprising delinquents.

Novel plant pathogen discovered on world's northernmost island

Ellesmere Island (76°N–83°N) is one of the northernmost islands in the world, along with Greenland and Spitsbergen Island. More than 100 species of vascular plants are distributed across this island in the ice-free areas ...

Global change: Stowaways threaten fisheries in the Arctic

Just think of the warty comb jelly or sea walnut, as it is also known. It has caused tremendous damage to fisheries in the Black Sea after arriving in ballast water from its original habitat along the East coast of North ...

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