Melting Arctic opens new passages for invasive species

For the first time in roughly 2 million years, melting Arctic sea ice is connecting the north Pacific and north Atlantic oceans. The newly opened passages leave both coasts and Arctic waters vulnerable to a large wave of ...

Evergreens restrict Arctic tundra responses to climate change

How climate change will affect the Arctic is a research question of increasing urgency. New research out of Queen's University indicates that current predictions of vegetation change that will occur as the Arctic warms could ...

Atlantic amphipods are now reproducing in Arctic waters

Biologists from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) have for the first time shown that amphipods from the warmer Atlantic are now reproducing in Arctic waters to the west of ...

Global change: Stowaways threaten fisheries in the Arctic

Just think of the warty comb jelly or sea walnut, as it is also known. It has caused tremendous damage to fisheries in the Black Sea after arriving in ballast water from its original habitat along the East coast of North ...

Arctic sea-ice loss has widespread effects on wildlife

With sea ice at its lowest point in 1,500 years, how might ecological communities in the Arctic be affected by its continued and even accelerated melting over the next decades? In a review article in the journal Science, ...

Study targets biodiversity conservation under-funders

If you take into consideration how much a country is expected to spend on conserving biodiversity, based on its size, wealth and share of biodiversity, a new study uncovers some surprising delinquents.

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